Tervuren’s chilly ice-skating ban. What to know?

In Belgium, mayoral duties can involve dispatching police in freezing conditions to enforce the ban on walking, skating, or playing on ice surfaces. Despite the rule, when ice last graced Tervuren’s lakes, numerous prominent locals were seen flouting the mayor’s directives, turning the lakes into a clandestine playground.

Soup at official opening of Tervuren’s cycle bridge

Tervurenaars, too, are invited to the inauguration of the 77.5-meter-long bridge over the Vier-Armen crossroad. The inauguration takes place on Thursday, December 19, from 14:30 to 18:00. There’s free soup, non-alcoholic mulled wine for cyclists, and a “surprise” gadget to make you stand out on the bridge and during the dark winter months.

Tervuren’s tech road safety expert

The transformative power of technology in promoting road safety was an essential part of Geert Van Der Linden’s keynote lecture on Thursday 21 November. Geert, from Tervuren, works for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport.

Repair Café Returns to Tervuren on 2 November

The original aim of the Repair Café movement was to revive repair skills that were once commonplace. “Unfortunately, we’ve all kind of forgotten that,” says Mylène De Scheemaecker, one of the driving forces behind Repair Café in Tervuren. “Through the Repair Café, you can teach some people to repair certain things—think of a flat bicycle tyre or sewing on a button.”

Own plants first in Tervuren

Eigen plantjes eerst. Tervurenaars can once again purchase local plants through the Behaag Je Tuin initiative, running until 15 October. The project aims not only to increase greenery but also to provide habitats for bees, birds, butterflies, and other wildlife.

McDo majority looms after Tervuren elections

McDonald’s is set to secure a political majority in Tervuren following the upcoming elections, according to answers given by local political leaders to the newspaper De Standaard. This would allow a newly constituted town government to overturn the rejection by Vlaams-Brabant authorities, earlier this year, of McDonald’s second planning application.

Tervuren gets mobile sunscreen dispenser

Skin cancer is one of the fastest growing types of cancer in Flanders. “As a municipality, we have a preventive role. That’s why we’ll use this mobile dispenser during activities and events,” says Lut. One in six Belgians faces skin cancer before the age of 75, mainly due to exposure to the sun.

Tervuren pond ran dry next to Panquin

It remains unclear whether or not the pond and our fauna and flora has fallen victim to constructions works for Panquin’s luxury appartments. Workers there have been constantly pumping water away on the other side of the Duisburgsesteenweg. One theory is that the constant pumping, to clear water for Panquin’s basement, has pushed the water level under that of the pond’s natural spring.

Golf Park Tervuren gets €55k to cut CO2

The province if Vlaams Brabant is giving Golf Park Tervuren €54,809 to cut CO2 emissions by installing solar panels, electric mowing robots, more bicycle parking, sustainable water management and increasing biodiversity on and around the course.

Tervurenaar founds Party for the Trees

No stranger to politics, Luk is also the founder and first chair of a Groen Tervuren, completely separate from today’s Groen+. In 2019, Luk received 1,496 preferential votes as lead candidate for the Flemish Parliament for DierAnimal.

Province unanimously rejects McDonald’s in Tervuren

The deputation has indeed unanimously refused the environmental permit,” deputy and provincial councilor Ann Schevenels told Tervuren+. The Flemish liberal from Keerbergen thereby confirms reports that all of Vlaams-Brabant’s four ‘deputies’, nominated by their respective political parties, deciding against McDonald’s.

Ski Hut placing is ‘question of weeks’

The €2.5 million ‘Ski Hut’ could now be placed within “weeks”, the Flemish public works agency, De Werkvennootschap, says. The Vier-Armen pedestrian and cyclist bridge was originally scheduled for installation on 15-17 March. The wooden bridge is part of the F29 fietssnelweg, or cycle motorway, between Tervuren and Leuven.

Checkpoint Tervuren till 2025

The Duisburgsesteenweg should be closed well into 2025. Holding up the reopening of Duisburgsesteenweg are complex foundation works for new luxury Panquin appartments and thorny legal questions of whether or not Tervuren should chip in for road repair costs.

Small town Tervuren weighs trash costs

Next year, Tervuren shifts to techie bins that weigh household residual waste to cut trash sent for incineration. If not designed well, residents may balk at bills when upgrading lifelong trash habits despite environmental benefits from less rubbish incinerated.

Province delays Tervuren’s McDo closure

Vlaams-Brabant’s senior politicians decided, on Thursday 1 February, to delay, for up to 60 days, a decision on the permit request submitted by McDonald’s for a fast-food outlet near Tervuren’s park and African museum.