Tervuren’s tech road safety expert

The transformative power of technology in promoting road safety was an essential part of Geert Van Der Linden's keynote lecture on Thursday 21 November. Geert, from Tervuren, works for the European Commission's Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport.

The transformative power of technology in promoting road safety was an essential part of Geert Van Der Linden’s keynote lecture on Thursday 21 November. Geert, from Tervuren, works for the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport.

A leading expert on technology in vehicles, he illustrated how these innovations can also improve the safety of cyclists and pedestrians. We also spoke to the former KAT student about his cycling experiences in Tervuren.

What is your speed record on a bicycle? Where? When?
I don’t know exactly. There are several hills in Overijse and Tervuren. If you ride down them and have good brakes, you can sometimes make quite some speed. I ride a mountain bike with wide handlebars, which provides extra stability.

Do cyclists ride too fast?
It’s mainly about adjusted speed. It’s not just about the speed itself.

Do you cycle to work or take the kids to school by bike?
Both. We normally always cycle to school. I also cycle to work. My children go to school in Tervuren. The eldest has been cycling by herself for quite some time, but also often tries to cycle with friends. The youngest now also rides by himself, whereas he used to sit on the back sometimes.

Has cycling in Tervuren become safer?
I grew up on Jezus-Eiklaan and it is a lot safer today than it used to be. On some stretches of Jezus-Eiklaan, although there is not much space when cars are parked, I have the impression that motorists drive slower than before. Almost every morning I see cyclists without lights on, especially on Vlaktedreef in the shade of the trees. And then I tend to shout: ‘put your lights on’!

What is your most enjoyable moment on your bike?
I always enjoy cycling. When I go to work in the morning, I am often happy not to be stuck in traffic. My colleagues sometimes look up in surprise when they see me coming in cycling clothes.

What type of bike do you have and why?
I have an electric mountain bike. It is an ideal model for both forest rides with some mud and city use. I don’t have to worry about getting stuck in a tram track; the bike rides smoothly over uneven surfaces. Moreover, I always park in a safe place near work and have never lost my bike.

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  • Dafydd ab Iago

    Dafydd ab Iago has been a journalist for over 25 years, mostly covering European politics. By founding Tervuren+, Dafydd aims to address the gaps in local news reporting with a publication rhythm of 3-4 targeted and researched articles for free per month. "News desert is the term for the lack of local and micro-level news," he says.

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